The Slow Way

The life of humans nowadays is compared to a rat race. Everybody wants to win, get to the top in a jiffy, no matter who they trample down in the process.

Now, what if a person had to prepare for this in an educational institution located in the heart of nature, away from the sirens and congestions of modern society. Would he laze away or would he or she given the chance topple the rat with the urban advantage.
Though there are chances and occcurances of both, the latter is more probable.
Life and with it the process of learning has always been pretty tedious on young minds, the race sometimes even making this tediousness a matter of life and death. The student who lives and studies with nature around him has relatively more peace than the one with the droning of traffic and the pollution thick air. The advantages that nature gives a student are numerous, one of the critical ones being the ability to understand that life needn’t necessarily be a move at the speed of light to be good .
It is this revelation which allows the human in the person to blossom. The ‘ habitants ‘ of the jungle learn that whatever they might take up ,they would still be the best. They learn that there is more to life than just a climbing up peak after peak. We need our times in the valleys and meadows too, for the higher we go, the less air we breathe. Preparations for the climb must include this awareness. For some would try the climb at a pace that would damage the body and mind, thus not leading them to the top, but only through them off the precipice.
We all need time to stop think, turn back and realize what we re doing. Well now that im done writing something in my first blog, I better get back to the jungle.
Its time to peace out and unlearn the urgency which the rat race has instilled in me.

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